Getting Started:
Organizing Your Binder
Now that your binder is created, let’s look at some of the ways you can organize and manage your binder.
This page will provide an overview of how to:
Adding and Removing Documents
You can add new documents by either dragging and dropping a PDF file into the E-Ring Binder window or by clicking the “Add Document” icon under the “Organize” tab.
When you add documents, you can provide custom document information (name, nickname, tags, citation) and also set the order in which new documents will be added. See “Adding Documents” for more information.
To remove documents, first you must select the document or documents from the Navigation list by clicking on them. You can select more than one document by holding control or shift on your keyboard as you click. Then right-click the selection and choose the option to “Remove.”
You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the document. Click “Yes” to permanently remove the document from your binder.
NOTE: This will permanently delete the associated document information and notes.
Copying Existing Documents
To create copies of existing documents, select the document or documents from the Navigation list by clicking on them. You can select more than one document by holding control or shift on your keyboard as you click. Then right-click the selection and choose the option to “Create New Copy.”
You will have the option to designate specific pages to copy and to update the custom document information (name, nickname, tags, citation). See “Copying Documents” for more information.
Reordering Documents
To reorder your documents, click the “Reorder Documents” icon under the “Organize” tab.
Within the Reorder Documents window, you can drag and drop documents to reorder them and group/ungroup document families.
See “Reordering Documents” for more information.
Modifying Document Information
To modify document information, select the document or documents from the Navigation list by clicking on them. You can select more than one document by holding control or shift on your keyboard as you click. Then right-click the selection and choose the option to “Modify Document Info.” You can also modify a document’s information by right-clicking directly on the document in the Viewer and selecting “Modify Document Info.”
You will have the option to update the custom document information (name, nickname, tags, citation). See “Editing Document Information” for more information.
Using Custom Tabs
You can create custom tabs to display only a subset of your documents in the Document Viewer.
To create a custom tab, select a document or documents in the Navigation list. You can select more than one document by holding control or shift on your keyboard as you click. Then right-click the selection and choose the option to “Open in New Tab.”
You can also open a new tab by right-clicking directly on a document in the Document Viewer and selecting “Open in New Tab.”
Once you have created a custom tab, you will also see options in the right-click menu to add or remove documents from a custom tab. Mouse over “Add to Tab” or “Remove from Tab” to select the desired custom tab.
Your tabs will display above the Document Viewer in the Tabs List. Pinned to the left of the Tabs List is the “All Documents” tab, which will display all documents in your binder when clicked.
Clicking on any other tab will populate the Document Viewer with only those documents contained within that tab. Documents not contained within a tab will be grayed-out in the Navigation List when the tab is selected.
You can right-click on a custom tab to rename it, close it, view and modify the list of documents within it, or print/export the documents that it contains.
You can also drag and drop your tabs to reorder them.
You can click the down arrow pinned to the right side of the Tabs List to view all of your tabs in a drop-down list. You can select, reorder, rename, delete, and print/export tabs from this drop-down list as well.
See “Using Custom Tabs” for more information.
Adding Notes
E-Ring Binder allows you to draft notes for each of your documents. To open the notepad, click the “Add Notes” icon under the “Organize” tab.
The notepad allows rich text, including bolding, italicizing, and bulleted lists.
See “Adding Notes” for more information.
Exporting and Printing
To export or print your documents and notes, you can:
Select documents from the Navigation list, right-click the selection, and select “Print/Export Document(s)”;
Right-click on a custom tab and select “Print/Export Tab”;
Open the Program Menu by clicking the E-Ring Binder logo in the top left of the application and select “Print/Export All Documents.”
Doing any of the above will open an export window listing the selected documents for export.
In the Export Window, you can add or remove documents to your export selections. You will also see several export settings, including the choice to export your documents as a ZIP folder or as a combined PDF, the option to include a Table of Contents, and the save file locations for your exports. You will also see the option to export notes that you have included in your document notepads to a separate .docx file.
See “Printing and Exporting” for more information.
Now that you have learned how to organize your binder, visit our page on “Getting Started: Navigating Your Binder” to learn more useful tips on how to make the most of E-Ring Binder.
Related Pages
Adding Documents, Copying Documents, Reordering Documents, Editing Document Information, Using Custom Tabs, Adding Notes, Printing and Exporting, Adding Custom Cover Pages