Printing and Exporting

In this guide, you will learn how to print and export documents and notes from your binder.

Prepare Your Export

With E-Ring Binder, you can export the documents from your binder as a ZIP folder or as a single PDF file. You can export your notes into a combined .docx word document.

To export or print your documents and notes, you can:

  • Select documents from the Navigation list, right-click the selection, and select “Print/Export Document(s)”;

  • Right-click on a custom tab and select “Print/Export Tab”;

  • Open the Program Menu by clicking the E-Ring Binder logo in the top left of the screen and select “Print/Export All Documents.”

Doing any of the above will open an export window listing the selected documents for export.

Select More Documents

The left side of the Export Window contains your document and note selections.

You can add or remove documents from your export selection by clicking the “Show More Documents” button.  Doing so will display a grid containing all of the documents in your binder, as well as check-boxes indicating whether each document will be included in the export.  You can click the check-box to toggle a document’s selection.

Include Notes in Export

To export notes, click the “Include Notes in Export” button. This will expand the selection grid to include a column for notes. You can undo this by clicking “Remove Notes from Export.”

You can click a document’s check-box in the “Export Notes” column to toggle whether the document’s notes will be included in the export.

It is possible to export only notes (and not documents) by deselecting all boxes in the “Export Document” column.

When exported, each documents’ notes will appear on a fresh page of the exported .docx word document.

Choose Your Export Format

The right side of the Export Window contains your export settings.  Here, you can choose whether you would like to export your documents as (1) a ZIP folder containing a separate PDF for each document or (2) a single combined PDF.  

If you select the ZIP folder option, you will have the ability to customize the filenames of the individual PDFs by clicking the “Modify filename format” button.  You can mouse over the information icon next to the ZIP folder option to see a filename preview.  Additionally, you can set the export location of the ZIP folder by clicking the “Browse” button.  If no location is set, you will be prompted to select a file location when you click “Submit.”

If you select the Combined PDF option, when you click the “Submit” button, a new window will open displaying a new, combined PDF.  In the top right of the new window, you will see options to download/save and to print the file. The combined PDF will include bookmarks to the start of each of your exported documents.

Customize Your Export Settings

The right side of the Export Window also contains various export preferences.

  • Include Table of Contents - This table of contents will include only the documents that you have selected for export, and will list each document’s label, name, and the page that the document appears within the exported binder.  If you have selected the Combined PDF export option, the Table of Contents will appear at the beginning of the PDF.  If you have selected the ZIP folder export option, the Table of Contents will appear in a file named “index.pdf.”

  • Include Cover Pages - If this option is selected, your custom cover pages will be included before each of the documents in your exported binder. See “Adding Custom Cover Pages” for more information.

  • Include Keyword Index - This keyword index will include only the documents that you have selected for export. If you have selected the Combined PDF export option, the keyword index will appear at the end of the PDF, and will provide hyperlinks to each page.  If you have selected the ZIP folder export option, the Table of Contents will appear in a file named “keyword-index.pdf.”

  • Include Annotations - If you do not have this option selected, any annotations (highlighting, free-text, etc.) within your documents will be scrubbed from the exported PDF(s).

If you have included any notes in your export selection, you will also see the option to set the export location of your notes.

Finish Your Export

To finalize your export, simply click the “Submit” button.