Editing Document Information

This guide will instruct you on how to modify your documents’ custom names, nicknames, tags, and citations.

STEP 1: Open the Modify Document Window

To access the “Modify Document(s)” window, you can either:

  • Select documents from the Navigation list by clicking on them, then right-click the selection and choose the option to “Modify Document Info.”

    • You can select more than one document by holding control or shift on your keyboard as you click.

  • Right-click directly on the document in the Viewer and select “Modify Document Info.”

STEP 2: Modify Your Document Information

The Modify Document window will create an entry for each document you selected in Step 1.

From the Modify Document window, you can update each document’s name, nickname, tags, and custom citation.

You can create new tags by entering text into the “Create New Tag” text box and clicking the “Add New Tag” button. Any existing tags will appear in the Tags list in alphabetical order. Tags that are active for the listed document appear highlighted. You can click an item on the list to add or remove the tag to the listed document. See “Tagging Documents” for more information.

You can also add a custom citation to your document. When you copy text from a document with a custom citation, you will see the option to “Copy with Citations.” Doing so will append the custom citation to the end of the copied text. See “Using Custom Citations” for more information.

To add a pincite to your custom citation, click the “Insert Pincite” button. This will add placeholder text “[/page]” to your citation, which E-Ring Binder will later translate into the correct page number. You will also need to enter the starting page of your document (if the document does not begin on page 1). For example, for a court opinion that begins on page 878 of the reporter, ensure you enter 878 as the start page.

STEP 3: Submit

Click the “Submit” button and your documents’ information will be updated.