Using Custom Citations

This guide will instruct you on how to add custom citations to your documents, and to copy text from your documents with the citations automatically added.

STEP 1: Open the Document Information Page

Follow the steps listed in “Adding Documents” or “Editing Document Information” until you arrive at the document information page (see the image in Step 2 below).

STEP 2: Add a Custom Citation

The Custom Citation field is a rich-text field that allows you to enter bolded (Ctrl+b) and italicized (Ctrl+i) text.

To add a pincite to your custom citation, click the “Insert Pincite” button. This will add placeholder text “[/page]” to the end of your citation. E-Ring Binder will later translate this text into the correct page number. You will also need to enter the starting page of your document (if the document does not begin on page 1). For example, for a court opinion that begins on page 878 of the reporter, enter 878 in the “Start Page” field. This will ensure that E-Ring Binder calculates the correct pincite.

STEP 3: Copy Text With Citations

To copy text with your custom citations automatically appended, highlight text in the Document Viewer, right click on the highlighted text, and select “Copy with Citations.”

When you paste, your custom citation will automatically appear at the end of the copied text on a new line.