Filtering Documents

This guide will instruct you on how to filter your documents by name, nickname, and tags.

STEP 1: Open the Filter List

To display the filter list, click on the “Filter Documents” icon under the “Navigate” tab.

STEP 2: Adding Filters

You can add new filters by clicking on one of the buttons under the Filter list: “Filter by name,” “Filter by nickname,” or “Filter by tags.”

Clicking one of these buttons will display the “Filter Documents” window. The field that you selected will display in the top left corner of the window.

You will also see a list of filter conditions available for the chosen field.

  • The “Name” filter has conditions for “Is,” “Is not,” “Contains,” and “Does not contain.”

  • The “Nickname” filter has conditions for “Is,” “Is not,” “Contains,” “Does not contain,” “Is set,” and “Is not set.”

  • The “Tags” filter has conditions for “Is any of these,” “Is none of these,” “Is set,” and “Is not set.”

The effects of each condition is described below:

  • “Is” and “Is not” allows you to filter by specific document names or nicknames.

    • Clicking one of these conditions will display a list of all document names or nicknames.

    • You can select multiple items from the list by holding control or shift while you click.

  • “Contains” and “Does not contain” allows you to filter by whether or not the document name or nickname contains a certain string of text.

    • Clicking one of these conditions will display a text box where you can enter your text.

    • You can search for multiple strings by placing them on new lines.

  • “Is any of these” or “Is none of these” allows you to filter by whether or not a document contains specific tags.

    • Clicking one of these conditions will display a list of all existing tags.

    • Add a tag to the filter by clicking on it in the “Available” list and clicking the right arrow. The tag will move to the “Selected” list.

    • Remove a tag by clicking on it in the “Selected” list and clicking the left arrow.

    • To add or remove all tags from the filter, click the double-left or double-right arrows.

  • “Is set” and “Is not set” allows you to filter by whether or not a document has a nickname or any tags assigned.

STEP 3: Editing and Removing Filters

Your active filters will appear in the Filter list in blue. You can edit or remove an active filter by clicking the pen or “X” icon within the filter’s box.

You can remove all active filters by clicking the “Remove All Filters” button at the bottom of the Filter list.

STEP 4: Combining Filters

If you have more than one filter active, you can choose whether you would like them to apply conjunctively (“AND”) or in the alternative (“OR”). Click on the drop-down list between your filters to change this.

You can remove all active filters by clicking the “Remove All Filters” button at the bottom of the Filter list.